At SafeDose We Solve Problems So You Can Focus on Patient Care

Pharmacy Management

When you begin service with SafeDose, a technician will travel to your facility to assist with training your team, assuring a smooth transition.

NOTE: If you would prefer, an on-line teleconference can take place instead of in-person training.

Due to our six-step process, we can reduce administration errors for your facility. Additionally, since we create the dosing event for your staff, the potential for human error caused by combining and sorting medications is completely eliminated with our Compliance Packaging.

Administrative Errors at an IDD Facility in Michigan

Before SafeDose

(January - March)

Transitioning to SafeDose

(April - June)

Most Homes Transitioned

(July - September)




No other organization has the same model that we do. We have averaged a 99.97% accuracy rating over the last five years and counting, which makes our level of quality out of their reach.

Pharmacist Services

Calls are answered 24/7 utilizing a dedicated on-call pharmacy service center for times when the pharmacy is closed.

 The service center is staffed with a licensed pharmacist who has continual access to our patient information, and can transfer needed medications to your local back-up pharmacy for immediate fulfillment. Courier service for delivery of those medications can also be arranged, if necessary.

Clinical Support

Patient information sheet on medications are available at no charge.
A pharmacist is available 24/7 to answer any questions.

Payment Options

SafeDose offers many ways you can make payments on your account. We accept credit cards or checks, and you can set up recurring monthly payments.

Those arrangements can be set up by clicking the button below or call 317-829-0550 ext 5460 for Accounts Receivable or 317-829-0550 ext 4590 for our Operations Manager.

It’s Not What We Say,
It’s What They Say that Matters Most

I am very happy to recommend the services of SafeDose!

"[Their] compliance packaging has decreased our medication errors and has been a big time saver for staff. I have a specific contact person who has intimate knowledge of the needs of my facility and goes out of their way to see that all our needs are met in a timely manner.

Medication deliveries are timely and SafeDose is very quick to respond in an emergency situation. They are willing to problem solve and adjust services to cater to the needs of our facility."

Program Nurse from Addiction Treatment Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Click a question below to expand for answer.

What does it cost to have your services?

How hard is it to transfer to SafeDose? 

Can anyone get their medications filled with SafeDose?

Do you offer an eMAR?

How quickly can you get medications to me?

What are the hours that I can speak to a pharmacy employee?